Generations as it was formerly known, is a South African daily drama, created by Mfundi Vundla. The show first premiered on SABC1 on the 4th of February 1994. As a child of the new South African dispensation, Generations drove aspiration as a key foundation for the development of African and South African people. A first of its kind on local television, Generations broke new ground, paving the way for stories that celebrate the hopes and dreams of black South Africans who aspire to a better future.
More than two decades later, the show has been rebranded Generations: The Legacy. It maintains its position as one of the most watched daily dramas in South Africa. The current cast includes popular actors Rapulana Seiphemo, Vusi Kunene, Abigail Kubeka, Manaka Ranaka and Vuyo Dabula.
Watch Generations: The Legacy, weekdays at 8PM on SABC 1. Catch the daily repeats at 8:30AM and the omnibus on Saturdays at 11AM.
Generations: The Legacy episodes are also available on YouTube.